Incoming message-text

Webhook Incoming Message - Text

This webhook sends incoming message as and when user send a text message When user gives a reply to a previous message then context will be provided.

Method: POST


Webhook Payload

"incoming_message": [{
"message_id": "ABEGkZlgQyWAAgo-sDVSUOa9jH0z",
"from": "919960432580",
"received_at": "1567090835",
"context": {
"ncmessage_id": null,
"message_id": null
"message_type": "TEXT",
"text_type": {
"text": "hello"

Webhook Incoming Message - Media

This webhook send incoming message as and when user send a media message. Media message can be 3 type -

  • Image

  • Audio

  • Video

    When user gives a reply to a previous message then context will be provided.

Method: POST


Webhook Payload

"incoming_message": [{
"message_id": "ABEGkZlgQyWAAgo-sOme7WUxlHHq",
"from": "919960432580",
"received_at": "1567091670",
"context": {
"ncmessage_id": null,
"message_id": null
"message_type": "IMAGE",
"image_type": {
"mime_type": "image\/jpeg",
"id": "aa41ac0d-2eb4-4d4a-a212-03f3c0e2001d"

Webhook Incoming message- Location

This webhook send incoming message as and when user send a location.

Location data will contain lat and long.

When user gives a reply to a previous message then context will be provided.

Method: POST


Webhook Payload

    "incoming_message": [{ 
        "message_id": "ABEGkZlgQyWAAhC3CZb1ttzQo0mvQBbL2pFk", 
        "from": "919960432580", 
        "received_at": "1567092229", 
        "context": { 
            "ncmessage_id": null, 
            "message_id": null 
        "message_type": "LOCATION", 
        "location_type": { 
            "address": "Dosti Pinnacle, Unit No. G1, Plot No. E7, Th\u0101ne, 
Mah\u0101r\u0101shtra 400604", 
            "latitude": 19.198988196033, 
            "name": "Passport Seva Kendra", 
            "url": "http:\/\/", 
            "longitude": 72.948932751057 

Last updated